Best Painting Companies in Victoria BC

You are here because you realize that trying to paint your home all by yourself is a hassle. Professional painters are just that, professionals. This is they livelihood afterall.

Some of the benefits you receive when you do hire a painting Victoria BC company are:

Time Saver

Doing it yourself is going to take a lot more time. From taping the edges to buying equipment, it’s not worth it. A professional painter can paint a house about 70% faster then you can on your own.

No Hassles

Depending on how much painting needs to be done, it could be a big hassle. Since you want to do a good job, you’re going to be slow and it’s going to take you more time. More time means more hassle. One of the biggest hassles leads us to our next benefit of hiring the best paining company in Victoria BC.


Unless you have done this before, you are going to have no equipment to paint with. This means you are going to have to research and find out what is required. There is a lot of stuff that you will need. In the end the equipment alone is going to cost a lot. And what’s the point of buying all that equipment for painting your house once? A house painter in Victoria already has the necessary equipment to get your job done with no hassles and in far less time.

So who are the best painting companies in Victoria BC?

By looking at the Better Business Bureau, Google and Yelp reviews, here are the best:



Paintworks specializes in repainting projects from exterior to interiors for residential and commercial projects.

Moloney Painting



Moloney Painting has been a painter in Victoria BC since 1999. They do commercial and residential jobs for both interiors and exteriors.

White Knight Painting

Painters in Victoria BC




White Knight has been painting homes in Victoria BC for 15 years now